1,7 A scarred, half-burned sign sits crookedly here. You can barely read the word 'Tyrin' on its pitted surface. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
2,2 You gaze out across the Tipec River, the peacefulness of its warm, calm waters enveloping you. The vista is spoiled, as you see what look like several bodies floating in the river. Filled with foreboding, you turn away. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
4,0 The orc tracks lead to a large cave in the side of a hill. Suddenly, enemies leap from the bushes!
Orcs (2.5K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
5,1 Is that a hidden passage?

Examining the ground carefully, your experience at tracking pays off! You find signs of a trail leading into the brush.
...noted by Kurt Reonis
6,2 Is that a hidden passage?

Examining the ground carefully, your experience at tracking pays off! You find signs of a trail leading into the brush.
...noted by Kurt Reonis
6,14 An old sign on the wall here proclaims: 'Welcome to Tyrin' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,3 'Silver items for sale' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,5 You find a terrified man here, blubbering pitifully in a corner. 'Don't hurt me, please!' he begs you. 'I'll tell you everything I know! He tells you a horde of orcs is based in the crypts to the north of town, and that someone is bringing them into the area from far to the east.' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,8 The mayor's family is hiding in this small, well-furnished room. They cower at your approach, and you decide to leave instead of frightening them further. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,11 A sign above you says: 'The Gleaming Scimitar -- Arms & Armor' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
7,13 As you step into the gatehouse, panicked guards leap to their feet. 'Tsugaria scum!' they scream as they attack!

Royal Guards and Harpiess (1.5k XP)
Can't rest here.
...noted by Kurt Reonis
8,4 Them a lot of spiders and I don't see Hagrid. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
8,7 The Mayor of Tyrin sits behind a huge oaken desk. Seeing you enter, he reaches for his sword and starts to rise. Quickly, you explain your mission and he relaxes. 'Living on the edge of a fearsome forest like the Twisted Forest is never easy,' the mayor says. 'But Tyrin has always been relatively safe, the last haven this far east. But now the orc attacks are more terrible by the day. They aren't the usual Moorland orcs. But why would another orc tribe travel so far to attack our small town? The attacks have been most fierce near the caverns just north of town. If you wish to help us, that may be a good place to start.' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
8,10 This room holds several guards, who eye you suspiciously. You tell them you are on a mission from Father Bartholomew, and they relax a bit and tell you the Mayor of Tyrin is in his office just to the north. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
8,14 'Who goes there?' calls a nervous voice from within. You explain your mission and a guard reluctantly unlocks the battle-scarred gate and allows you to enter Tyrin. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
9,11 Hanging above you is a sign: 'Tyrin Training' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
9,12 These are obviously officers quarters. Searching the room you find a smudged scrap of paper. The only legible words on it are 'slavers', 'Tsugaria', and 'dragon'. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
9,13 This gutted guardhouse is mute testimony to the power of a recent attack. Wisps of smoke still rise from its charred walls. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
10,4 This inn appears to have been abandoned. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
10,9 A sign on the wall says: 'Temple of Jolith -- Tyrin Branch' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
10,14 There is a gate here. The claws and teeth of a hundred fearsome animals have grooved and scarred its wooden surface. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,3 After several minutes of searching, you discover the innkeeper cowering in his wine cellar. He agrees to let you stay for 5 platinum pieces. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,6 This building has been ransacked and burned. Only its fire-scarred walls remain standing. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,7 This building has been ransacked and burned. Only its fire=scarred walls remain standing. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,9 This building has been ransacked and burned. Only its fire-scarred walls remain standing. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
11,11 Several children are hiding behind this building. Despite your coaxing, they refuse to come out. One child is clutching a badge, which you recognize as that of a Tsugaria officer. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
12,2 Orcs and Minotaurs (1.5K exp)
Safe to rest.
...noted by Kurt Reonis
13,11 Your tracking experience tells you that a large number of orcs recently came this way, heading towards the west. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
13,12 It may have been a warning, a welcome or directions to the nearest towns. Now it is the burnt stub of an old signpost, and can tell you nothing. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
14,15 You have no trouble tracing the smell back to its source--actually, its sources. Unfortunately, the sources are hungry at the moment and are delighted to see you arrive!

Black Dragons and White Gorgimeras (17K exp)
...noted by Kurt Reonis
15,7 A large sign with blood-red letters is nailed to this gate! It reads: 'Beware! This gate leads into Twisted Forest! No party is safe within its savage borders!' ...noted by Kurt Reonis
15,14 A terrible stench fills your nostrils. It seems to be coming from somewhere to the south. ...noted by Kurt Reonis
15,15 The smell is worse now--you can barely breathe the acrid air. It seems to be coming from the west. ...noted by Kurt Reonis

X-axis Y-axis Comments
1 7 A scarred, half-burned sign sits crookedly here. You can barely read the word 'Tyrin' on its pitted surface.
2 2 You gaze out across the Tipec River, the peacefulness of its warm, calm waters enveloping you. The vista is spoiled, as you see what look like several bodies floating in the river. Filled with foreboding, you turn away.
4 0 The orc tracks lead to a large cave in the side of a hill. Suddenly, enemies leap from the bushes!
Orcs (2.5K exp)
5 1 Is that a hidden passage?

Examining the ground carefully, your experience at tracking pays off! You find signs of a trail leading into the brush.
6 2 Is that a hidden passage?

Examining the ground carefully, your experience at tracking pays off! You find signs of a trail leading into the brush.
6 14 An old sign on the wall here proclaims: 'Welcome to Tyrin'
7 3 'Silver items for sale'
7 5 You find a terrified man here, blubbering pitifully in a corner. 'Don't hurt me, please!' he begs you. 'I'll tell you everything I know! He tells you a horde of orcs is based in the crypts to the north of town, and that someone is bringing them into the area from far to the east.'
7 8 The mayor's family is hiding in this small, well-furnished room. They cower at your approach, and you decide to leave instead of frightening them further.
7 11 A sign above you says: 'The Gleaming Scimitar -- Arms & Armor'
7 13 As you step into the gatehouse, panicked guards leap to their feet. 'Tsugaria scum!' they scream as they attack!

Royal Guards and Harpiess (1.5k XP)
Can't rest here.
8 4 Them a lot of spiders and I don't see Hagrid.
8 7 The Mayor of Tyrin sits behind a huge oaken desk. Seeing you enter, he reaches for his sword and starts to rise. Quickly, you explain your mission and he relaxes. 'Living on the edge of a fearsome forest like the Twisted Forest is never easy,' the mayor says. 'But Tyrin has always been relatively safe, the last haven this far east. But now the orc attacks are more terrible by the day. They aren't the usual Moorland orcs. But why would another orc tribe travel so far to attack our small town? The attacks have been most fierce near the caverns just north of town. If you wish to help us, that may be a good place to start.'
8 10 This room holds several guards, who eye you suspiciously. You tell them you are on a mission from Father Bartholomew, and they relax a bit and tell you the Mayor of Tyrin is in his office just to the north.
8 14 'Who goes there?' calls a nervous voice from within. You explain your mission and a guard reluctantly unlocks the battle-scarred gate and allows you to enter Tyrin.
9 11 Hanging above you is a sign: 'Tyrin Training'
9 12 These are obviously officers quarters. Searching the room you find a smudged scrap of paper. The only legible words on it are 'slavers', 'Tsugaria', and 'dragon'.
9 13 This gutted guardhouse is mute testimony to the power of a recent attack. Wisps of smoke still rise from its charred walls.
10 4 This inn appears to have been abandoned.
10 9 A sign on the wall says: 'Temple of Jolith -- Tyrin Branch'
10 14 There is a gate here. The claws and teeth of a hundred fearsome animals have grooved and scarred its wooden surface.
11 3 After several minutes of searching, you discover the innkeeper cowering in his wine cellar. He agrees to let you stay for 5 platinum pieces.
11 6 This building has been ransacked and burned. Only its fire-scarred walls remain standing.
11 7 This building has been ransacked and burned. Only its fire=scarred walls remain standing.
11 9 This building has been ransacked and burned. Only its fire-scarred walls remain standing.
11 11 Several children are hiding behind this building. Despite your coaxing, they refuse to come out. One child is clutching a badge, which you recognize as that of a Tsugaria officer.
12 2 Orcs and Minotaurs (1.5K exp)
Safe to rest.
13 11 Your tracking experience tells you that a large number of orcs recently came this way, heading towards the west.
13 12 It may have been a warning, a welcome or directions to the nearest towns. Now it is the burnt stub of an old signpost, and can tell you nothing.
14 15 You have no trouble tracing the smell back to its source--actually, its sources. Unfortunately, the sources are hungry at the moment and are delighted to see you arrive!

Black Dragons and White Gorgimeras (17K exp)
15 7 A large sign with blood-red letters is nailed to this gate! It reads: 'Beware! This gate leads into Twisted Forest! No party is safe within its savage borders!'
15 14 A terrible stench fills your nostrils. It seems to be coming from somewhere to the south.
15 15 The smell is worse now--you can barely breathe the acrid air. It seems to be coming from the west.

Last updated on May 5, 2023,
by Kurt Reonis